Quick Start

One page summary of how to start a new biliup project.


Before using the biliup, you need to install the python ≥ 3.8.

Run the biliup Directly

pipx install biliup
biliup --http

Visit in the browser.


Just earlier we showed you how to run the biliup directly. Now we start to install the biliup with config step by step.

Step 1: Create a new directory

mkdir biliup
cd biliup

Step 2: Install biliup

Download this theme to your PATH directory:

pip install biliup

Or install by docker:

docker pull ghcr.io/biliup/caution:latest

Step 3: Configuration

Create config in your config.toml in the biliup derectory:

# 以下为必填项
[streamers."1xx直播录像"] # 设置直播间1
url = ["https://www.twitch.tv/1xx"]
tags = ["biliup"]

# 设置直播间2
url = ["https://www.twitch.tv/2xx"]
tags = ["biliup"]   

Or use the config.yaml from the github directory to your project's root directory:

vim config.yaml
            - https://www.twitch.tv/xxx
        tags: biliup

Step 4: Run the project

Just run biliup start in the root path of the project:

biliup start